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RE: LeoThread 2024-01-25 18:25

in LeoFinance • 8 months ago

1/🧵 We talk a lot in here about market patterns and hopes, but we need to re-think our emotions, especially when we are dealing with a volatile market like crypto #threadstorm #outreach


We as emotional humans can get really overwhelmed with everything related in crypto, especially the fake news. It is has, but it is possible. Is always good to talk about this.

You brought an important point, the market behaves a lot with fake news or exaggerates the current news, creating catastrophes in calm waters!

2/🧵 The year 2021 was the biggest FOMO event that brought many people to crypto, but right after people saw many projects getting dumped and lost a lot of money, people sold their houses and other important assets to cover this problem.

3/🧵 We should be a bit more colder with our emotions when dealing with up and down events, always studying a bit about what's behind this event. Here is a little bit of what I wrote about that. #gosh