SEO Tutorial | Writing the Post

in LeoFinance9 months ago (edited)

Hello. We see a bunch of posts being created on Hive and some of them do look to have good content but there might be a question in your mind, what thing might be missing that isn't getting ranked in the search engines like Google etc.? And this is probably what Hive needs in order to bring in a good audience and expand its reach.

I believe many posts here on Hive are not optimized in order for them to get ranked in the search engines.

I will try to cover how can we optimize our posts in order to bring some organic traffic in.


Organic traffic is when visitors come to your post or website from unpaid sources, primarily through search engine results pages (SERPs). Users online when try to search for a specific keyword or a phrase, they see URLs from different relevant websites.

Your content could be ranking at the top in search results if it's optimized well.

In this article, I will try to assist you in optimizing your post to receive maximum audience.

The process of optimization starts when you start writing a post.

Writing the Post

Some people write the post first and optimize it then while some optimize it while writing it. It depends on writers what method they like to apply. But I think the efficient way is to write the post first and then optimize it.

So, whatever you want to write about, you want to ensure you have enough information about the topic to write about it authoritatively.

This is just the introduction post as to how we could make our content optimized and rank better in search engines. Depending on users' interest, I could continue writing more about the topic in the coming posts.

Anything you want to add to the topic?


Follow @haveyoursay

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha