Digital Technology - Revolutionizing the World of Tech

in LeoFinance27 days ago (edited)


Digital Technology has taken over the world and is changing the world to what humans can't even predict. Maybe you are browsing this post with you laptop, desktop, or even android or iphone. That's just the results of technology. Technology has made life more easier and stress free. It has eliminated some challenges brought about by lack of technology.

What is Digital Technology?

Digital technology is the technology which uses digital systems, such as computers, iphones, smartphones, and the internet, to process, store and transmit informations. Digital Technology has proven to serve the world better the analog.

Have you ever asked yourself how people where communicating before the initial of the phones we have today. Honestly life will seems normal then when asked to someone who lived back then. But to us living now it will be absolutely hard for us. People communicate with those living far away through various ways, but among these ways one of them seems to be the most commonly used.

Letter writing was the most common way of communication in the olden days. People living in different places would write letters by hand and send it to who so ever they wrote if for. Often times this takes weeks or even months to reach their destination.
The origin of letter writing dates back in the early days, earlier before 3,500 BCE. The earliest written letter dates around 3,500 BCE in mesopotamia. In the early days letter were being written in tablets made of stones or clays and this letters serves many purpose which includes communication between rulers and correspondence. Some letters I'm the olden days were also written with papyrus. The papyrus was mostly used by the Egyptian.

As time progresses, the world kept advancing and letter writing become more widely spread in the world and the Rome and Greece embracing it as a common means of communication. So people any where can write their letter and spend it to whom so ever they wish through the help of couriers or messengers.

Today, letter writing still serve a unique purpose but is now written in a different form. Computers and phones has taken over and people no longer write letter with pair hand and send it to the receiver through the help of couriers or messengers. Letter writing is not being done with computers or phones and the receiver doesn't need to wait for so long before receiving the letter. With the help of technology, letters can now be send and receive withing seconds.

Technology has also help in cutting down the money sent on sending letter or communication with our loved ones or friend. Today, we have a lot of social media platform where we can text, call, and communicate with people with ease. Most of this platform demand very little fee when compared to that of sending your letter through the courier or messenger.
Instead writing a letter and waiting for it to reach it destination before getting reply. Once can chat with whom he or she wants and also get reply instantly. Technology has really done a lot for human and we should be grateful for this invention.

Digital technology has created a paradigm shift in the way people view and consume information. Today, we advertise with social platforms like Inleo, X(formerly tweeter), Facebook, TikTok, among other. This social platforms not only help us to communicate with our families and friends but also helps us to advertise our goods and services. People still use the radio to do their advertising but social platforms has taken over and has proven to be more effective.

Today we can watch live streams of happenings over the world unlike before, thanks to digital technology. It is true that digital technology also has it negative side but the positive impact on the world is so huge.
So in all digital technology has helped the world to advance more when it comes to technology.

This post is part of my participation in Mayinleo

I want to invite @joyforme to take part in this initiative.


Thumbnail gotten from Pixabay

Second picture gotten from Pixabay

Third picture gotten from Pixabay

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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