Leofinance Adoption Campaign: My quest and strategy to win, and how I will use the price.

in LeoFinancelast year

[Imagine gotten and edited on canva]

Lovely greetings to everyone.
The 10k usd price pool and 200k Hive Power delegation is such a huge price that everyone is racing to win. There is still time for you if you haven't join, feel free to use my invite link to join. Just this few days many have come to know about Thread. The news about the almighty #leothreads has been spread far and wide, the adoption campaign is threading on all web2 social platforms. Many are being informed about what they have been missing for a long time now and we can see how many of them are quickly joining the moving train.

My Quest And Strategy To Win

The Zealy Leofinance quest is being group in an easy way that it will be easy to understand. They are being categorized in to daily side quest, keep stacking and weekly side quest.
Once you click on any of the categorized quest the tasks will be out listed making it easy for you to perform.
Because of how the quest is being grouped it wasn't that hard for me to start.

The Quest is mainly to bring more people to #leothreads and to enlighten the exiting members on how best to thread.
For example; Threadstorming. It was through the Zealy Leofinance Adoption Campaign that I learnt how to threadstorm.

Leothread and twitter are the main two tools which are being used in the adoption campaign, so in order to win I will try as much as possible to be active on those platform. Being active will help me be updated on any recent news about the quest and leofinance. And also since completing quest earns me more xp I will try to complete any task as possible.

What I Will Use The Price for If I Win

Although I join the Campaign late, I will try as much as possible to do all quest as soon as possible in order to emerge to a good position.
From the start I have always believe in the future of the hive platform, so I will be using the price to acquire more Hive Power and also delegate to @leo.voter in order to grow more. I will also buy more #leo token with it, and gain more influence on leofinance.

Thanks for stopping 🙏.


Next time for the Zealy quest remember to use a leofinance.io link on Twitter!

The site was having issues that why, but no problem.

Good luck with it! 🙌🏻

Thanks friend 😀.