Daily Twitter Campaign 25 june 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Real life is a deal breaker right now

The pressure in real life has not diminished much, and the time that I am online really needs to be built up again. Productivity has to go up again and above all, my brain has to be adjusted again ... but anyway, with all these things that keep me busy, I managed to share 3 posts on Twitter for the promotion yesterday.

Although here too you really have to look for a way to increase the engagement in particular. Because that is what it is about and at the moment, in my opinion, that is certainly not high enough. It should be much better in my humble opinion. So I'm going to look into that more this week.

Note to myself: Learning about Twitter engagement

Unfortunately, that is not the case for these posts yet. Anyway, I tried my best to choose some posts that don't write about our Hive Blockchain. Because, in my opinion, we can achieve the shilling of the blockchain itself better by showing how versatile the articles are. This isn't just about Hive, it's not just about Leo. On the contrary ... there is a club here of people with diverse interests and a lot of quality.

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For example, what about this article by @cryptowingnut about NFTs. Very informative for anyone who wants to delve into the weird world called NFT. Because let's be honest ... there is quite a bit involved in the NFT world before you understand everything. And I found it very vague for a long time. Interesting, that's for sure. But the real understanding of NFTs, there wasn't. After reading this post, that became clear. And again a note to myself that I need to delve more into that too.


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After the NFTs, an article by @erikah caught my eye and that was a post that evoked a lot of recognition. Even though she lives in a completely different country, it turns out that the pension problem exists all over the world. And that solutions must be sought all over the world by the people themselves. Because indeed, there is nothing more sad than being in money worries after you retire. The facilities are supposed to be good in the Netherlands, but the reality is far from it. There are people who have it right, but they are certainly not the majority. So to build your own pension provision with Bitcoin and Ethereum, that is not a superfluous luxury. Assuming Bitcoin and Ethereum will increase in value, and will still exist by the time we reach retirement age.


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And the last article before it was time for me to close my eyes and go to sleep was @bozz's article. His DeFi adventure at Iron Finance has ended reasonably well. But it does indicate that the DeFi possibilities should be thoroughly researched before you get into it. The risks can be great. And don't think, oh that won't happen to me. A little reminder for everyone that things can sometimes go a little less well. Fortunately for @bozz, the damage was limited as he somehow felt that it was wiser to put his money into USDC and IRON, not TITAN. Ultimately, the damage was thus limited. But nevertheless, the fright it gives you, and the loss, however minimal. That's something you don't want. DeFi is the crypto Wild West and it is important to know and minimize your risks.


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hope that the posts attract new people

Those were the 3 articles. And I hope there are people on Twitter who have their eye on LeoFinance through these links. I sincerely hope that the posts attract new people because that's what we do it for in the end. For now, please show the authors some love... They have written good articles and contributed their share.

Finally photo club time again!

I'm going to wish you all a great weekend. For me, today is a day when I can finally go back to the supermarket without a face mask, and the day when I finally meet members of our photo club again. My camera needs to be dusted off, and I hope to find the inspiration to photograph again. So that's my daily schedule for today. In addition, of course, the necessary time has been planned for the dogs and oh yes, also for my partner of course. LOL.

So have a nice weekend everyone and see you Monday with a new report!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 62 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

You're correct, its not just about hive or leo, i've written real-time articles that extends farther and cover other varieties of life, I believe that we can generally serve hive according to issues and stuffs that are trendy and creating intrest, like DeFi, NFT for example too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @hetty-rowan, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thanks very much for the shout out, and I'm really glad you enjoyed my post! It's nice to get some feedback that my posts are helping people understand some of these topics a bit better!