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RE: Happy Blockday to ME!

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Thank you @alexvan, I guess you can say it's an experienced age for crypto when you're on the blockchain for 3 years. But most of my time I was only blogging, and didn't mind too much about the technology behind the crypto. That's only since 2020 that I started to get interested in the bigger picture that crypto really is. Before that I was only concerned by getting up my own personal circumstances through the use of crypto. And yes, I'm glad I was able to do just that ... I also know that if I had looked into the technologies a lot earlier, I would have had more. But, bad decisions, and trusting the wrong people was all part of my journey. Just like as many of us have experienced.

Yes crypto shall have a use, and the use can be different for any of us, but in general we all use it to help us. Whether this is through saving and stacking, or real life use like I did ... it's all meant to give us a better life where that is almost impossible with fiat money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


But most of my time I was only blogging, and didn't mind too much about the technology behind the crypto. That's only since 2020 that I started to get interested in the bigger picture that crypto really is. Before that I was only concerned by getting up my own personal circumstances through the use of crypto. And yes, I'm glad I was able to do just that ... I also know that if I had looked into the technologies a lot earlier, I would have had more. But, bad decisions, and trusting the wrong people was all part of my journey. Just like as many of us have experienced.

I think anyone in here can share some part of your story as we all have our reasons, little happenings, and trust issues. There are a lot of good people and also some bad, which brake our trust. We need only to keep going on and make the best out of it on the long run. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta