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RE: To the Moon!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Nah, of course it is not bad! You can look it up on the website if you want to keep an eye on the project. And yeah, I think Binance Smart Chain is pretty amazing. But always be aware, there's also a lot of scams, like everywhere in crypto. Unfortunately. Always do your own research!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I tried to swap into some safemoon, but there wasn't enough liquidity for my transaction. I gave up.

I had the same problem yesterday ... I just changed the last number a bit and my transaction went through without any problem. Nice to know maybe is that as soon as you have the tokens in your wallet, they start to yield new tokens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh really? That is pretty cool. I was finally able to grab some, but not nearly as many as it had been because the price went up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta