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RE: Happy Blockday to ME!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I had the luck to be picked up by @curie for several times, and back in those days the "Big Curie Vote" had quite some value. Besides that it gained a lot of eyes on my posts. There were always many people just looking through the curie curations.

But besides being picked up by curie, it took me also quite some time to get noticed ... with the difference that I was hooked by that first big vote after 3 weeks. And every post was a new challenge to get curated again, every post was a new chance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah at @curie and some of the other curating groups started voting my stuff and I felt some validation for what I had been posting. Of course then the pressure came to better myself each time. lol. I'm a little more relaxed now. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta