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RE: How To Prepare for a Depression

in LeoFinance2 years ago

My 55th trip around the sun has taught me that keeping my body in shape and exercising may just be the most important thing I can do.
It is a great thing to have access to trees for firewood but if I can't operate the chainsaw because I have tendonitis in my elbow or can't run the log splitter because my back is hurt it does me no good.
As far as gardening goes the most important thing I have learned is to get calories in the ground. That means root vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, turnups, yams, carrots, etc... after that I focus on storage pumpkins like winter squash. Learning to grow these things first will go a long way to keeping you fed during tough times. Just my 2c
!LUV the post.

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