I Climb Onto The Second Rung Of The HBD Freedom Ladder!

in LeoFinance10 months ago

I set myself the goal of doubling my Hive-Backed Dollar (HBD) savings from $300 at the end of July to $600 by the end of August, without putting in any “out-of-pocket” cash. It’s only 6th August as I write this, and I’m pleased to announce that I grabbed hold of the second rung ($600) of the HBD Freedom Ladder a couple of days ago!

Find out more about the HBD Freedom Ladder here:

How did it happen so fast, without my investing any “out of pocket” cash into the Hive blockchain?

The Power of Affiliate Marketing

Simple! It’s thanks to the power of affiliate marketing! Specifically, it is thanks to the Livegood affiliate program, which gives you the option of receiving commission payments in Bitcoin.

Even though I barely lifted a finger to promote Livegood last month, my passive earnings came to $292 (after transaction fees were deducted) and landed in my Freebitco.in account on 4th August.

I immediately sent about $300 worth of BTC across to my Hive account where it was converted into 931.990 HIVE. I switched 758 HIVE into HBD, which was enough for me to hit my August target of $600 worth of HBD. Thank you very much, Livegood!

Here are the transaction logs on my Hive account:

Can I Reach the 3rd Rung in Q1 2024?

So now my target is to grab hold of the third of the nine rungs on the HBD Freedom Ladder – $3,000 – by the end of March 2024 at the latest. I’m hopeful that I can do it with a combination of HBD interest payments, 50% curation from Hive-blockchain blogging payouts, and affiliate marketing commission payments.

Join Me On The HBD Ladder To Freedom!

Here are the targets for each of the 9 rungs of the HBD Freedom Ladder:

  • Rung 1 = $300 ACHIEVED, July 2023
  • Rung 2 = $600 ACHIEVED, August 2023
  • Rung 3 = $3,000 TARGET = March 2024
  • Rung 4 = $6,000
  • Rung 5 = $7,500
  • Rung 6 = $15,000
  • Rung 7 = $30,000
  • Rung 8 = $60,000
  • Rung 9 = $120,000 (@20% p/a, the passive income yield = $2,000 per month)

What about you? Have you started to climb the HBD Freedom Ladder? Let us know in the comments.

I published a longer version of this post on my blog @


David Hurley


P. S. Hop onto my free Beginners Crypto Course for more free crypto tips: https://llpgpro.com/mhpz6yzd/hv

P. P. S. Learn more about how you can earn crypto on the HIVE blockchain: https://thehiveguide.com/hirohurl

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


HBD is the real winner here on the blockchain. When HIVE is low, HBD is the key to stacking that HIVE. When HIVE is HIGH, it's the opportunity to preserve and grow that value with HBD SAVINGS!

Yes, a switching strategy between the two assets certainly makes sense.


@ironshield! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Congratulations to you 👏🎉

Thank you @biyimi

@biyimi! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Congratulations! I have a similar strategy and reached also Level 2 a few days ago. It is a good feeling when Your plan works.

I see you are working with Crypto Tab, @bizmanest - do you also work with crypto faucets such as Freebitcoin?

I'm now following you on Hive.


Hi! No, I don't work with faucets, too time-consuming for me. Following You too ;)

Thanks for following back @bizmanest !


@bizmanest! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

@bizmanest! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

That's incredible news, David! Big congratulations to you! You sure are moving fast! Perhaps I should take a second look at affiliate marketing! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Thanks @tydynrain - back in January I hopped very early into Livegood high up in the matrix of a top recruiter. I worked to get myself to bronze level, but have not done much with it since then as I've been busy with offline teaching. I also get regular commissions in BTC from a couple of other tried and tested programs, so that is what is powering my recent advances.


You're very welcome, David, absolutely! That's really good to know! I've been hearing good things about Livegood, and also sites like Leadsleap. They seem very useful to explore, I just wonder if I'd have sufficient time and attention to be able to make those sorts of things work for me. That's fantastic to hear in any case, and very inspiring! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

@tydynrain! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Wow, that's great. Congrats on achieving this feat.

@hirohurl! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @alovely088. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Thanks @alovely088

@alovely088! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Your journey is indeed interesting. I'll be waiting for the next update on this for sure. Thank you for sharing this profitable journey. We can all learn a thing or two from it. Have a marvelous Sunday!

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- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master
This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

Thank you, @iamraincrystal - you too!


Absolutely amazing, David! Huge kudos to you! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

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- @tydynrain - Comment Moderator

Dear @hirohurl, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @aliveandthriving.

@hirohurl! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving. (16/40)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Why don't eggs tell jokes?
They'd crack each other up.

Credit: gillianpearce
@hirohurl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of aliveandthriving

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

@aliveandthriving! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (1/1)

@aliveandthriving! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

@hirohurl! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving. (14/40)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

You are really climbing the freedom ladder. Rings one and two achieved. Wishing you luck in achieving rung three.

Thanks @amakauz - I'll keep you posted on my progress!

@amakauz! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Alright. Keep it up.

Congratulations on your achievements especially step 2.

Thanks @emjeak - I got to the second rung quite quickly; the third rung is a bigger challenge...

@emjeak! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

That is great mate that you earned from Livegood and used the bitcoin to increase your HBD congrats but is it really out of pocket there is a membership charge NO?
It still is awesome though buddy congrats on the increase, sorry hate to be that guy bro i know it is just details and you did no promotion but you did pay a membership fee maybe important when someone tries to duplicate the results.😎
@tydynrain nominated you for a prize in the draw


Good questions @heartbeatonhive - I think I'll make a video about my progress with Livegood. In January I paid $99.95 for one year membership (the other option is $9.95 per month) and a one time affiliate fee of $49.95, so I was indeed "out of pocket" to the tune of about $150. I had broken even from earnings by early February and the monthly earnings have been slowly going up since then, with no more "out of pocket" payments on my part, so the $292 I received in BTC from Livegood via Freebitcoin earlier this month was 100% profit.

I haven't spent anything extra on promoting Livegood either: I put it inside the Prosperity Marketing System as the primary program, and created a marketing funnel on Leadsleap and promote it on various safelists and traffic exchanges, mostly on autopilot via TrafficZipper. I do need to do more work on that side, but I have 6 active referrals and one retail customer plus a lot of "spillover" from my dynamic upline members. :)


Thank you so much for all that information, David! I think a video on it would be excellent! 😁🙏💚✨🤙