

so since no constant power supply for days saw no reason in turning it off. Little did I know that power will be restored next day, Woke up with my living room flooded with the water 1cm high.

Not to a floody extent, but something similar happens a few times a month in my house. Our house's main water tank needs to get filled by a Tap connecting to the city. When the tap doesn't provide water, we forget it turned on sometimes.

Ooops a tap was left on 😅 I do that too when I'll be out and there hasn't been water in the house lol

Waiting for the rest of the gist, this seem interesting


The water moved to my kitchen socked my tuber of yam, then moved gradually to my room damaged my wife’s laptop the laptop charger was already damaged has it was brought out from the pool.

Hope things are ok now


Well I blessed the lord all that was damaged was just the laptop which was fixed the morning of that same day, and bought a new charger spent approximately $10 to make that possible.

Flooded.. badly?
is this ok now? I know that it messes up a lot and takes time to clear that..

Oh man, i can feel u it’s just like a disaster, hopefully everything went ok later on

yes it did dear!


Wow you were lucky, I have been flooded through no fault of my own. The upstairs neighbour left a tap on, and my ceiling collapsed!

I would never leave a tap on if I was not in my house.

Hope you managed to clean it all up!

yes mate! Took hours tho, was tired at the end of it all.

I bet you were !

Everyone's water situation is different, but that sounds really dangerous. I wish I could say the same about not leaving taps open, but sometimes we forget the Tap open when we sleep.

Tagging: @hironakamura

Oh so sorry about that, hope everything is okay now? Has your apartment been cleared of the water?

Sorry for your damage man, but seriously … you could‘ve easily avoided that by simply turning off the tap. I‘d never leave the tap on without attenting it! 🖖🏼👁🤙🏼