LeoFinance Traffic Report For August

in LeoFinance3 years ago


LeoFinance have seen a wonderful 28436 page views from Google in total during the month of August according to simpleanalytics. I publish a weekly report with the keywords that generates the most traffic, but I want to dig deeper into this, which is the reason for this post.

28K/4 = 7000

We have roughly 7000 page views per week, all from Google, and even though I personally appreciate all traffic coming to LeoFinance, the second best traffic source is Twitter with a total of 5972 page views during the entire month of August. Reddit brought us 2313 page views and we had 601 page views from duckduckgo.com. Bing brought us 314 page views. publish0x.com 309 and facebook.com brought us 301 page views during the same time frame.

That being said, the traffic we get from Google in one week surpass the traffic we get from any other traffic source in a month. Organic traffic is greater than anything we can come up with, which is why I truly encourage and recommend people to optimize their content. A fraction of optimization goes a long way on a place like Hive and it's communities due to all the content that is being published.

I don't ask you to become SEO experts or optimize everything you publish, but optimized content will lead to higher rankings over time. Higher rankings means more traffic, so even the slightest bit of optimization can potentially outrank "better" content that has been less optimized.

Traffic is vital for growth and we're already getting tons of traffic from Google, even without having focused much on optimized content until rather recently.

That being said, out of the impressive 28.5K page views we've seen from Google in August, 7903 of them where on this post: 10 Splinterlands Card Strategies for Beginners.

That post was published ~5 months ago and paid out 1.20 LEO in total. Now, I don't have much knowledge about Splinterlands, but the post contains referral links so I am sure the author has earned something from all the traffic it generates..

I don't think anyone feel it was rewarded enough, in terms of LEO, when we see the results. That's a different story though, so I won't talk about that. However, with amazing content that brings this much juice, LeoFinance is bound to moon.

  • Another superb traffic source is YouTube, but we had a total of 73 page views from YouTube in August, so we are clearly missing out on some crazy traffic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is awesome. Great to see Splinterlands bringing traffic to Leo Finance apart from doing so much for Hive blockchain in general. This goes to prove that optimized content will reap benefits even after several months or years of publishing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Splinterlands-related content on Hive and more specifically LeoFinance is driving traffic to Splinterlands as well. So it's a win/win for everyone involved!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

100% correct. It's helpful for everyone!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure I would say @splinterlands is bringing traffic to Leofinance as much as articles about Splinterlands is bringing in google traffic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sorry, I meant indirectly it brings traffic since it's hot right now. There is a good chance that we can bring more by writing more optimized articles frequently about the game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Splinterlands is really hot and we could easily jump in to squeeze out even more traffic to LeoFinance (Hive or other communities as well) just by creating quality content about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes. I am planning on creating a few posts about Splinterlands. Will link to these posts and the crypto guide we created for DEC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just to add to this.

Here are all our evergreen pieces with page 1 rankings for high volume search terms:

Anybody creating new Splinterlands related content should be linking to these.

@bitcoinflood, your daily content is perfect for these.

Just putting 1 related leofinance.io link into your posts will be a huge help (under relevant anchor text, not just pasting the full link.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Will see about tossing a few of those in future articles and give it some link juice!

Thanks for the list @forexbrokr. Bookmarked this for future references.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True. The content is what brings traffic. Wouldn't happen without the existence of Splinterlands though, so he still has a point. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Organic traffic is greater than anything we can come up with, which is why I truly encourage and recommend people to optimize their content. A fraction of optimization goes a long way on a place like Hive and it's communities due to all the content that is being published.

This is the most important things that was written. EVERYONE can do a little something to better optimize what they post on here.

SEO is crucial to the long term success of what we are developing here.

By the way, can you maybe do a post about, perhaps the last 3 months of the numbers (or maybe even 6 months) on a monthly basis. That will give us some context and see how much things are increasing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

1 post per month with the stats from the past 3-6 months?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are trying to improve our Splinterlands efforts next month ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I noticed that you answered in one of my other posts, so I'll include a link to your answer:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really amazing 7K visits in one week? I know this will multiply month by month.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, it's a crazy amount.. And we'll see more like that! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great information, thank you for compiling and sharing it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for liking it. :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great News

All efforts to spread the word are always appreciated, and your feedback gives us further motivation to keep our efforts, so thanks!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm glad you can use this as motivation. It's exactly how I work too. Stats and details are great motivation boosts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's because of all the hard work everyone has put into it. I don't really know if people link content to HIVE through Youtube.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As we have literally zero YouTube traffic, I don't think we are using it as all.. Which is a huge mistake.

Especially as we have influencers, some of them are even well-rewarded ones, and other video creators out there. Including LeoFinance themselves. We should definitely try to bring some traffic from YouTube..

It would help with rankings as well, over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea we definitely should. I know there are a few people cross-publish their videos on 3speak and youtube but most don't like back to HIVE itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your post was promoted by @taskmaster4450le

We have roughly 7000 page views per week, all from Google, and even though I personally appreciate all traffic coming to LeoFinance, the second best traffic source is Twitter with a total of 5972 page views during the entire month of August. Reddit brought us 2313 page views and we had 601 page views from duckduckgo.com. Bing brought us 314 page views. publish0x.com 309 and facebook.com brought us 301 page views during the same time frame.

Adopting in the social medias

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta