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RE: AskLeo - Is Gray Plagiarism Worth Curating?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

While I think you have good points, I think it's very difficult some times.

I mean, I bet that most people on a niche oriented platform or community is using other content in some ways to produce content. Leofinance for instance is for finance & crypto related content.

There's only so much you can do with "BTC reaching new ATH's", so it all comes down to some level of "plagiarism" if we look deep enough with gray plagiarism-mindset.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


i totally agree with this and in a way we are all doing that. There is a phrase for that in Greek, "there is no parthenogenesis", i don't know if it has reached other countries as well. It basically means that mostly everything that we say today, someone else told so before us or build the base around it.

So whatever we write or say somebody else most likely has done that already. The only thing we can do, when writing the news as well is to simply ut a paragraph or more regarding our own opinions. Aside from that, it's natural to say something with different words.

what we can do is simply not supporting the people that rewrite a news articles without a personal touch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gray plagiarism is not that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta