Breaking Out Of Gender Inequality Through Entrepreneur

in LeoFinancelast month


Gender Inequality is a discrimination based on sex causing a gender to be privileged over another.
Im western societies, women have more advantages or privileges than men. You can't maltreats women In the Western societies. If a man mistreats a woman, the outcome won't favor the man.
There was my old schoolmate who was fortunate to travel to London. He finished his degree there, married a lady, and had 2 children.
His wife has been maltreated by him often; she slapped her husband several times.
One day, They had an argument, and the wife slapped him as usual, he couldn't control himself again; he slapped his wife back.
The wife cried with a loud voice, and called the emergency number. Without wasting time, he was taken to court.
In the process, the wife filed for divorce; and the court judged the case by giving the two kids to the woman, and deported him back to his country without anything.
Therefore, women are more powerful in some areas in western societies than men.

In Africa, it is not like that- Men are made to dominate women in every area. What happened to my friend in London happened in my country, it would be counted as normal things.
It is very rare to see a wife beating up her husband in Africa; but very common to see a husband beating up wife. thousands of such cases happening everyday.
If such a case is taken to court; if the woman wants to divorce just like that man in London. The court here cannot give the two kids to the woman, and they will give them time so maybe they can come together again.
The one I witnessed in magistrate court at the beginning of this year.
The judge adjourned the case and said, “The court gives both husband and wife time so maybe they can come together again."
The day both agreed to divorce, The court came to conclusion that," Since the both have agreed to divorce, the man is still the father of the children and will be paying #15,000 (approximately $11) for feeding and clothing for the three kids every month”.
I laughed, because there is nothing #15,000 can do in this economy.
Therefore, within a month, the man took another woman in and made her wife.
The divorced woman was struggling with those three kids, while the man already had another wife. It is very rare to marry a woman with three kids; in fact, single ladies are seriously searching for who to marry.
The most painful part of the story was that, the man wasn't paying the #15,000 every month, and the court did not do anything about it.
In the African setting, men have more privileges than women.

The Following are The best ways to affect a responsive and Inclusive Gender Inequality

Awareness and Education
We Africans believe that man will always be at the top and that is the reason it is rare to be a woman and become King or president in Africa.
I don't say women cannot become kings or presidents but it is very rare.
There should be an inclusive awareness campaign and education about gender equality and how gender inequality affects individuals and societies.
Gender equality should be included in secondary school curriculum. They should be taught the things they have the right to.
When I was in school, there were courses that 90% of the students were young men, such as mechanical engineering, and Mathematics.
It is important to create awareness to close the skills gap and increase more women to study such courses.

Awareness of early marriage
“41,000 girls were forced into early marriage in 2017.” - World Bank
In Africa, we perceive women to procreate and work in the kitchen; boys are superior to girls in society, therefore we expect girls to take charge of domestic duties over their careers and education pursuit. Many girls did not further their education when they told them that “everything they learned will end up in the kitchen."
There should be awareness of their careers and educational pursuit; they should be reminded that they have choices to choose what they want to be.
About 15 out of 26 girls that finished secondary school in the last 2 years are already married right now in my area. These girls have been brainwashed that after secondary school, the next thing is marriage.

Equality on politics
This is one of the hardest parts where gender inequality is being practiced worldwide.
In my society, I only see women or girls at the grassroot level of politics. Women have been deprived of the right to practice politics in subtle ways. Though they used to campaign during elections, they were not given the positions.
I witnessed a situation where a woman was not given a ticket to councilor under a party because she is a woman. The ticket was later given to a man in that society; This was because men believe that they should lead and women should follow.
That woman had everything to become a counselor because she worked for it: she was later given a position in local government instead of councilor to shut her mouth.
That was the only one I saw; and I believe many women are also in such a situation. They were not given the positions because they are women.
Men and women should be given equal rights in politics: not only on paper where it is written that women have power to contest in any position; yet, they are deprived to practice it.
It should be documented that such a percentage should be reserved for women in high level government positions.
For instance, If the number of senators is 94, the government should reserve 20 seats for women while the remaining 74 should be women: Not only on paper where it's documented that women have power to contest for any position whereas men dominate everything. We should see the particular percentage on the seat.

Empower women
Thank God we have seen women taking the position of CEO in some organizations. But the percentage of women taking the positions of CEO is very low compared to men.
women should be empowered financially to establish business of their choices. This will increase representation of women in leadership positions.
Through employment, some women have risen to leadership positions from their careers.


Breaking Out Of Gender Inequality Through Entrepreneur
For Women to Break Out Of Gender Equality, she must:
Engage in Entrepreneur
As a woman, you must establish your own business. If you want to control your territory, you have to create your own business.
The quickest way to get rich is business; I have never heard of a person who became rich through salary. Most of the wealthiest people in the world today are business men.
that is when you have access to politics, if you are not rich, they won't give you access to politics.
They can only make you a woman leader if you are the oldest woman in the party, and they may not give you an opportunity to contest in any position because you feed on them.
If you have business on your own, you control your territory, you are rich; they will beg you to join their party which may come with agreement.
I have seen a woman who was begged to join the party, and the woman said "If you give me a woman leader, I will join you.”
After six months she became a party member, The woman who was their woman was sacked as a result of issues, and she was given a woman leader; from a woman leader to deputy chairman.

Be a career driven
A career driven person is someone that is futuristic. a person aiming for his/her career every time. A person that is always conscious of his/her future.
A woman of this character break out of gender inequality.

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