A Critical Review on Best Method of Storing Value Between Cryptopreneur and Fiat Money

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Trusting fiat money as a method of storing value as been a major debate, among economics, cryptographers, accountant and many more.
As you all knows fiat money is been owen and control by the government. Each country as there own form of Fiat money, just like the united state dollar, pounds in United Kingdom and Naira in Nigeria


But the question on every one lip is could fiat currency store of value.
Fear as been raise because how the government keep printing fiat money, evidence are showing that the fiat currency printed are not correct reflection of the value created. After COVID 19 locked down it's been claimed that the American government keep printing money out of there store value.
Alot of people as been on the point that Cryptopreneur is the best method of storing value, because it's been decentralized, that mean no body own it, nor it is been control by a single individual or a government. It's an open source, all access store is created base on general approval. Bitcoin, Ethereum and Shib Inu as been leading as the best Cryptopreneur which can been use for storing of currency


People are now getting informed on the opportunity Cryptopreneur is given to them. A major fear about fiat money is that it easily loss value because the government keep printing money out of store value and it result to inflation. On the other hand Cryptopreneur as been a huge source of investment and store of value because it keep appreciating.
Keeping money in the bank as proven to be a foolish decision because the bankers and the government rob you of the value you worked for.
A year ago Bitcoin was trading for $14,000 but today it's trading at $62,000. Investing in cryptocurrency as mad alot of people over night million.
Am writing this so I may encourage you to start your journey in cryptocurrency. Don't put money you don't need now in bank because the bank and the government will steal the value you save in the bank. Only put money you need at the moment in the bank
Kindly comment below let me know what you think.