in LeoFinance6 months ago (edited)


The world is currently under opprestion of the devil (Economic hardship, Sickness, earthquake, flood, war) In the beginning it was not so God did not created man for need want, lack, poverty or sickness. God as meet man need from the begging. Genesis 1:11-25

God did not created man to suffer, it was man that gave the devil permission to change the original plan of God Genesis 3:1-24. From the beginning God know that he want to creat man, that is why he created him last, he first of all created his need first Genesis 1:1-25.


Our creator is a God of plan, process and direction. For every need of man he as made provision for it. Man is suffering because he left the will of God Genesis 3:1-24. You have to come into the will of God so you may enjoy his plan for you. God know from the beginning that man will need a woman that his why he created man with a rib Genesis 2: 20-23 if there won't be a need for woman God won't create man with a rib, out of man rib God created woman
Always know that God as meet your need from the foundation of the earth. All you need to access it, is for you to Come into the will of the father.

After the fall of first Adam, God send the second Adam(Jesus) to bring us into the will of the father. Jesus suffer poor so we can be rich. God plan is for us to live in abundant and Good health.
It's only through Jesus you can access the plan of God.


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