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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 48 - Saturday 26 November 2022 | EDSMM Giveaway | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hi, Many thanks for the HSBI - its appreciated !!! And I was quite pleased to see the release of the new chunk of EDSMMs, so bought some more, and will be aiming to buy some more tonight.

I do vote for witnesses, as I think its important to support them. In terms of choosing who, thats more difficult for me to answer. Some I just followed the crowd, whereas others I know via their posting, and if they seem like good guys - then I vote ! Also, you do get some minor HIVE payouts for witness voting, so thats another reason to do it !

My own savings went well this week. I added +85 HP, so am now sitting at 2621, with an eye set on 3000 for the end of the year. My full report can be found here:

Many thanks again, and I hope everyone had a great savings week !!!!! cheers @hoosie

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Fabulous savings progress!