in LeoFinance5 months ago



This idea has always been in the mind of someone but then it has been one that is still yet to be generally accepted or even available. In our world today if there is something that people always have use of every single day, it is a good means of transportation from place to place. For those that are well to do to an extent and can afford a vehicle, they quickly get one for themselves for easy movement.

But since the invention of vehicles, the number of deaths caused due to accidents has also increased tremendously as well. So many people no longer go for driving school before they start driving, they just feel that as long as they have a car they can drive, then all is good. Well, this might not be so common in some places but I can say it is very rampant in my country. Especially those young lads that have been lucky in defrauding people of their wealth or engaged in some dubious activities.

At some point in my State, we had so many deaths caused by accident and it was majorly caused by these young lads that are not good at driving but just want to drive since they can afford a car for themselves. In all of these, we still can't deny how helpful the invention of vehicles has been helpful to mankind. Now we can easily move a really long distance in just a short time without stressing ourselves.

Unlike in the past when people had to trek a long distance and for those that are wealthy, they make use of chariots, horses or donkeys for moving from one place to another. Today we don't even need to have enough money for us to make use of a vehicle because there are now commercial vehicles which we can easily afford and still get good comfort. But then people are still scared for their lives because of some bad drivers on the road that are too careless and carefree while driving.

In fact some drivers no longer obey road signs and respect some rules of using the road. Some of them don't even understand some of these road signs and that might be a very huge problem to someone who is conscious of these road signs. But with the invention of autonomous vehicles, some of these problems can be curbed because the vehicle is very alert to signs, navigations and movements around it even in few metres away.


There are quite a some advantages and disadvantages to the invention of autonomous vehicles (self-drive cars). And they include...

✅ With the invention of autonomous vehicles, accidents would be reduced to a great extent because the vehicles will be able to detect most dangers and also a way to overcome it.

✅ With autonomous vehicles, disabled persons or those who don't know who to drive will be able to take themselves to places without the help of a driver.

✅ All round view is achieved when using an autonomous vehicle. Unlike our manual cars, the driver can only see up to 180° with side mirrors but self-drive cars can see up to 360° and this will save it's owners of borders from getting into accidents.

✅ These cars don't make use of carbon to run effectively and this a good as it will be environmental friendly.

And even as these advantages are quite enticing, there are also some disadvantages of these kind of vehicles and they are...

❌ High cost of purchase. First of all, it is very expensive to create these kind of vehicles and that only means that it would be just as expensive to buy it too.

❌ Making use of such a car would make it hard to protect some vital data because that's the only way to make it work effectively. These kind of vehicles gather information from everything around it just to make sure to give the best results.

❌ Cyber insecurities. Making use of such a car, it is very easy for good hackers to hijack such cars which in turn might put fears in the heart of those who use them.

As at now, the disadvantages are too many so it would hard for it to be generally available and even accepted but then with time, it's going to be one futuristic devices that the world might come to see in action but I'm sure that would only happen when these disadvantages have been worked on.

In creating this content, I had to make my own research about Self-drive cars also known as autonomous vehicles to birth this content and I hope you enjoyed it. And all of this is thanks to the ongoing challenge postingspree by @tsunsica. This is already the third day and I'm trying to keep my streak.

Thank you so much for stopping by 🦁

Images used were designed using canva

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