Fine Functional Art - NFT's that Matter.


For those who appreciate rolling with Class, who do not wish to have just some digital gimmick or collectible, but actually own something that is functional & is made of real life matter. Something that will age with you, that will become even more beautiful as it is used, that will adapt to you, that will make those who see you roll your spliff or tobacco cringe with envy, and when they ask where they can buy one as well, you can shatter all of their hopes, by telling them, that the pouch you hold is the only one in existence.

We have released a limited Collection of 5 King-Size Leather Smoking Pouches on OpenSea. These are crafted by hand using upcycled Leather obtained from the Fashion Industry, not only is each pouch a Unique Specimen, but they've been crafted on an antique 115+ & vintage 75+ year old Singer Sewing Machines.

Each one comes in its own customized Upcycled Cigar Box. The Pouches are made to last a lifetime, each one a unique combination of different leathers, cow, goat, sheep, python, nile perch & ostrich. The Thread we used is the most durable nylon thread one can buy, the same kind used for high durability airbags, parachutes & seatbelts.

I used to own smoking pouches myself from different brands, but they all disappointed me, since they were mass-produced & flimsy, not made to last also they felt cheap once the people in my circle started buying the same pouches that I had. When I finally lost my last one @kaliphae who has a degree in Haute-Couture made me one that was absolutely unique & a true piece of art, I was so thrilled by it, that I told her that we should be making our own. Which led to us creating these beauties.

We intended these to be what those other pouches were not. Unique, Individual, Durable, Practical & Improved on the Design where the older pouches were lacking or not well thought out. Our own system of Rolling Tray, that would actually prevent your paper from being blown away by the wind, that actually worked and was not just a gimmick, enough room to hold a standard 30g Tobacco Pouch & all of ones essential goodies, with a King Size Paper Dispenser & a clasp for closing that could also be used to stuff your joint.

The cheapest one in the Collection is made by myself, it lacks the finesse & precision of kaliphae's skill, but makes up for it by being made with mostly only Python Leather. The other 4 are made by Her, which are absolutely impeccable in every aspect, true pieces of Fine Art that are utterly functional with nothing on the market that can compare.

To find out more you can visit our OpenSea Collection.
For those wishing to purchase one, remember to send us your address, so that we may ship your masterpiece with as little delay as possible.

The Profits from our Sales all go into funding our Bee-Sanctuary which we are Documenting the building of from scratch.



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