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RE: Factors To Consider When Migrating

in LeoFinance β€’ 2 years ago

This was quite an educational and awareness podcast. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I see you guys had to throw in some comedy there. I was listening to this while doing house chores and the part where @joetunex was curious about how the guy made it through the airport with his limited basic writing skills killed me. @josediccus' giggles to that made it worse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. ...

On a serious note, it's important to also have an idea of the policies and systems in place for the country one plans to migrate to. For instance, in South Africa, although most employees would prefer to hire non-citizens, the system requires them to consider the citizen first if the candidates present the same skills.

Some employees prefer noncitizens because most turn out to be more determined knowing why they are here, while other employees just want to exploit the noncitizens and pay them below-average wages/salaries.

True having Scare skills is the best easy way to migrate and cope as one is also protected by the system against exploitation. Having a plan in place on what one plans to do and how to cope is also critical. But there is also room for luck if one gets to meet the right people when moving abroad but not something to bet their life on.

Great message guysπŸŒΊπŸ’«πŸŒŸ

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Yeah, his name is Oliver, I just had to let him be, it will be foolish of me to fight over a management position with him knowing his friend who was my boss then will take sides with him.
It was a pathetic situation back then not able to write a simple sentence but secured a VISA and got on the plane to South Africa.

Critical skills put one at a higher chance of finding a job and doing well overseas, aside from that, if luck is not on your side it gets tougher being a foreigner.

Thanks for watching. πŸ˜ƒ

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That was a wise decision to just let it be... ,πŸŒŸπŸ’«πŸŒΊ