Becoming A Master In What You Do

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


Image source - Pixabay

There's an old saying that goes like this - Jack of all trades, master of none. For most people, that is the underlying reason for their not achieving so much in life. It's a good thing when you are well read, and have an idea about almost everything. But when it comes to career choosing, or making income, you don't want to be concentrating on too many things at a time.

If you've noticed, some people just keep jumping from one career to the next. They don't spend enough time in one, such that their skill in that field becomes truly appreciated and they become an expert; hence, making more income from what they do. If a person consistently jumps from one trade to the next, it's hard to be excellent in any.

If we observe the lives of great people that have left a strong mark on this world of ours, we'll see that these people mastered what they were doing, they gave it enough time, and they became recognized for their achievement in that area of life. As the saying goes, intensity will always defeat extensity.

I must also add that some people have been able to master more than one skill. As such, I'm not saying that it's impossible, but those people did not just jump around, they stayed long enough in one, before moving to the next. And most times, the skills they mastered are kind of related.

Image source - Pixabay

And as a businessman, you also must have heard of having multiple sources of income - and that makes some people want to make money from almost everything. Having several sources of income is a beautiful thing. But, like I mentioned above, you have to take it one after the other.

Take your time to properly establish one business, then move to another; if diversification is what you seek. Don't jack all trades at the same time, if not you may not master any of them. Focus, concentrate your forces on one first, once you've established it, you may move to the next.

Thanks for reading!

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