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RE: LeoThread 2023-12-20 10:51

in LeoFinance6 months ago (edited)

Lions and Lionesses as you thread and engage also remember to distribute an upvote. Keep up the goods work.


Good advice I tend to upvote then reply to a thread, or sometimes I just upvote, but you are spot on, lots don't upvote. Spread the love I say!

Should be standard practice. At the very least it's an acknowledgement

Standard practice and just all round good manners, but then again manners seem to have been forgotten about with many people!

Yep, disappeared somewhere with common sense!

Thanks mate. I was checking the leaderboard and found out users are making more threads which is good but the upvoting score is down. How else are will going to distribute community tokens if we don't upvote?

Yeah, that is a plus to the engagement as well, I love that concept thanks for the reminder

You are welcome mate.

Oh yes, let's distribute the votes evenly so that it is a win win for everyone.

Yeah, basic stuff but many don't for some reason

yeah, that is key bro, nice remainder .

thanks for the reminder, I was so focused on just threading