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RE: ERC20 : BEP20 Bridge

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello Pp again =)

Undoubtedly one of the main reasons to dream about the launch of the "bridge", Is that outside are many people looking for ways to leave ETH because of its high commissions and many of these people would surely be happy to use our "bridge", the only thing we have to make sure is that they know of its existence.

For this reason I believe that the launch of the "bridge" should be accompanied by a marketing campaign to raise awareness of this new tool, would be the best tool in the world but if nobody knows about this all that potential will be wasted.

Before reading this post I did not realize how high the commission expenses would be (and so many 2 EHT AND 2 BSC), I will surely users will have many doubts about the high value of the commissions (but "only 2.5% are from our bridge) once the project is launched.

That is why this information you have shared with us is very important, to know and be able to respond in case it is necessary to possible user that have questions about this.

Thanks for the infomation and the double post day.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think it is only a 0.25% to use the bridge. Pennies in comparison to the ETH side of things. 2 BSC transactions will be pretty cheap too. But if you are getting out of ETH fees for good... it might be worth it.