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RE: LeoThread 2024-04-28 11:14

in LeoFinancelast month

so, is it just me or you guys noticed that engagement on threads nowadays is pretty low.

More threads, less people to engage with those threads.

People be just dropping threads and yeah that's it. No effort to reply, engage with others.


yeah there is a lot of spamming on threads with no engagement.
but there is still people that engage.
because of this I am using the "for you" tab more often than the latest tab.

at this point I'm just going to stop engaging with people who don't bother to reply or engage at all.

Using latest mostly just to see fresh threads..

I would agree with this.
I use to engage and upvote a lot of different people but now I have accounts I don't because of lack of engagement.
I mean you don't have to engage on everything all the time but if I see you active engaging when you have time.
that works for me.

yeah will do the same from now on.

I've been noticing this for some time now.

man it's sad to see this..

I also noticed it. The people who keep sharing threads are also the same people that I keep seeing everyday. Nothing new users, I think it is correlated to the downtime and buggy experience of users.

yea, sometimes it's bugs that push people away.

Probably an interest thing, if threads posted don't trigger one's interest, why engage?

Also, you have to understand the vast majority of social media users don't really engage, just read and scroll.

Yeah maybe that's why...

We can all make a difference here. Just reply to some threads and post yourself, by doing this the place become more alive and vibrant.

I guess the problems of being off line in the last couple of few of days, scared some people away! But we are still here

that's right.

hopefully everyone will start coming back :D