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RE: Making Utopis Great Again

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Honestly, I was excited today to go find Utopis for under 2 hive so I picked up 23 more and if they stay there for a few more days I'll probably end up buying at least 100 more.

I currently have almost 200 and my goal is to get to 1% ownership (1500) by March or April. Cheaper prices make that easier than artificially inflated prices.

Plus, I never intend on selling so for me personally, high prices are a hinderance that don't provide anything in return.

I'm sure I'm in the minority on this though. People want moonshots. I want to lots of ownership in great projects that pays me enough to hold it that I never have to sell.

If "none of the above" is not an option though, I think I like 2 better but I don't fully understand what you mean by "held". Is this out of your personal holdings? If so that doesn't seem right to me.