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RE: Splinterlands | Buying and Leveling More Chaos Legion Cards!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Once DEC stops being given out I don't think it will take long. I think people will start buying it up once it gets close.

One thing I've noticed is that the price of dec doesn't really matter when people are renting cards in dec. Whether its .015 cents or .0005 they spend the same amount of it on the rentals.

But when DEC is at .0005 it makes buying cards with it very unattractive and selling them very attractive. It almost means the USD value of the rental market sucks so no one is incentivized to buy there either.

I know it doesn't make sense that it would make a difference economically but based on my observations on the rental and buying market over the last year, I think they should push the peg for dec to $0.01. I think the entire Splinterlands economy would get a huge boost even though it absolutely shouldn't. It's like stock splits I guess. They shouldn't push up market caps but in todays markets they do.



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