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RE: Splinterlands | Buying & Opening 100+10 Packs - Results & Calculations!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Ouch. I have a theory about these things. I can't prove it but I always get better pulls when a pack is brand new. The day CL came out I was taking screen shots of every other pack because it would have like 2 epics and a gold card, then the next would have a gold summoner, a legendary, and some random gold common. Opening packs now seems to go like what just happened to you. You get nothing.

Similarly, if you can find that video of the guild opening 250k packs, its just an orgy of golds, legendaries, and epics. They flip hundreds of cards at a time and every 3rd card seems to be great. I think the dial gets pushed up a bit around exciting events for the packs and turned back down the rest of the time.

So basically I'm pretty torn on what I want to do for RW. Just the fact that prices are high on new cards means its easier to make a profit in the beginning or at least get your money back. My problem is I always say I'm going to flip the cards I get but then I fall in love with them and hold as they slow motion crash for months.


I would be surprised if that was the case honestly, can't all results be verified on the blockchain?

results yes. What they have the percentages set to on their private servers? I doubt it but I'm no expert.

Anyway, I just decided to search up a video of day one pack openings. Here's clove71 opening 3000 packs on release day. She's opening them 200 at a time. I only watched the first 200 open but seriously, go look at this and tell me its what your pack openings look like now. She starts opening them at about 2:15

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