How I made 0.5 BTC in Referrals and how you can too!

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)
“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.”

-Henry David Thoreau-


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Begin small.

But begin.

Riches come to those who begin, however small their beginning steps are.

Here is my story. I live in a small island and have never had enough money to secure my financial independence, something which I view as an important part of growing up and becoming an adult. In 2017 I began learning about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, in part thanks to Andreas Antonopoulos's book Mastering Bitcoin and The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous, which where an important educational tool in order to understand Bitcoin and it's usefulness in a world dominated by Central Banks and their need to perform Quantitative Easing (Inflation) to reduce the value of your money (effectively a hidden tax). In the last few months I decided to actively start trading with cryptocurrencies in futures market in many exchanges like Binance, FTX, Kraken, Bitmex... Having spent the last 2 years loosing money with trading I would never recommend anyone to do as I did and risk all your money into speculating virtual assets. Nonetheless I continued learning about investing and finally got a grasp of the whole speculation game so once I learned to keep tight Stop Losses for every one of my positions I started to earn money instead of loosing!

Long story short I started with 20$ 1 month ago and managed to earn through derivatives in the futures market 500$. I know this is probably a tiny amount for anyone reading this but for someone who never had 500$ it is astounding and close to a miracle!

My referral link:

Never give up.

Once I started earning money I decided to open a twitter account dedicated to publicly showing my knowledge and positions so everyone could join me on my journey towards 1,000,000$. What I didn't know back then was the power that a referral code and a number of anons could do to boost my revenue.

Introducing Binance.


For anyone not familiar with Binance, they have a referral system whereby you can invite people to join the platform and when anyone of your referrals trades in the futures market you receive a 10% commission and they receive another 10%, for every trade they make.

Little did I know this would stack up pretty quickly, so 2 months in I can say my referals, although small in number, have been obtaining a considerable amount of profits since registering and beginning their trading careers in Binance.

Learn from your mistakes.

So, starting with 20$ and reaching 500$ was a huge event for me, but reaching to bigger audiences and gaining 0.5BTC in referral revenue was something I never expected. To sum up, never give up on your dreams and always take a small step towards your dreams, step by step the universe will rearrange itself to allow you to grow to your fullest potential and fulfill your dream.

Join me and enjoy the first step in your Financial Independence!

I was never a fan of referral links, maybe because I never had an audience I could reach out, but having tested it's validity I would definitively recommend it to anyone, especially to close friends and family members. For anyone interested in securing some profits in the form of passive income please use my referral link to enjoy a 10% commission on every trade we make from now on and forever.


My referral link:


This is a short introductory post as I would like to give many more details with regards to my experience, so for anyone interested in hearing more about my story, please stay tuned and follow me as I am preparing a new article with a more detailed guide as to how exactly I made a good start in this cryptocurrencies world!

Thank you all for reading and I sincerely wish you all the best in your life and never forget to push for your dreams one small step at a time!

-Aurum Aeternus

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