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RE: Hive Account As A Basis For Web 3.0

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I'm thinking exactly like you are here! I'm building a couple of wordpress plugins with this very 'hive central' thing in mind. This first plugin is a Single Sign On (SSO) plugin that allows a user to login to WordPress with just their Hive account. Because why not? Instantly anyone with a Hive account has access. The possibilities are endless.

And, I've been trying to solve this SSO problem for years... I just couldn't abide users logging in with google, or twitter, or facebook... I know how those operations work from the inside... and it's way worse than anyone might imagine. So no thanks to all that!

But, it has always been a nightmare to share users across different wordpress installations, across different domains. This 'using hive as SSO' makes it so easy it's ridiculous... and I, as the site(s) admin, don't have to worry about passwords, password resets, usernames, synching user accounts, or anything like that ... login here, you are who you say you are, login there, you are who you say you are. It's quite refreshing!


This first plugin is a Single Sign On (SSO) plugin that allows a user to login to WordPress with just their Hive account.

The only thing I can say to this is "freaking amazing". Great to see someone taking that step.

Sign in to Wordpress using your Hive account. What a great future that will be.

This 'using hive as SSO' makes it so easy it's ridiculous... and I, as the site(s) admin, don't have to worry about passwords, password resets, usernames, synching user accounts, or anything like that ... login here, you are who you say you are, login there, you are who you say you are. It's quite refreshing!

Bingo!!!! All task pertaining to the management of accounts is handled by the blockchain and have nothing to do with you.

Makes it a ton easier as a builder/network administrator.

I am doing something similar on a project with Hive as a decentralized database. No need for me to fret about the dataset. It is all handled by the block validators and ledger.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta