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RE: The Guillotine Falls

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Nobody deserves to be gunned down in the street, my sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues who knew him. He was probably a well liked person and his life was snuffed out because of his job position. And the whole world gets to see him gunned down on the street, over and over.

This will send a clear message: When you're at the top, you're a target for avengers. Bad decisions made within the corporation has real-world consequences, both for the "customer" and for the service provider. There are only so many bad decisions that can be made, before someone gets hurt or killed.

UnitedHealthcare has some of the highest claim denial rates of any US insurance company -- a jarring 32%

Insurance one of the biggest PONZI schemes on earth. But because it has never fully collapsed, we can't call it a ponzi, can we? The societal pressure to be "insured", (your house, your car, your health and even your LIFE), always ensures the PONZI will never collapse as new players are constantly being added. Anyone who adds up their insurance expense, month after month, year after year, all the money being dumped into a black hole, unlikely to be ever seen again. Never passed down as generation wealth, never invested in a business or upstart. Never used to buy a few extra bags of groceries for your neighbor. No, just handed over to the "insurance company". Like going to a slot machine that has 0% chance of winning and coming back month after month, as if it were a good idea... because you never know what awful things could happen. You don't want to be known as unvaccin- I mean uninsured!

And if/when it comes time to collect due to some sort of tragedy, not only do the scammers demand more money as a "deductible" (it's in the terms you know), the payout is usually a fraction of what was expected, if any payout happens at all. Ask all the people in N. Carolina who faithfully paid their monthly home-owners insurance, only to discover when they need it, the insurance company goes belly-up. Isn't that what happens to a ponzi when the people demand what was promised them all at once?


Health insurance is nothing more than protection fees. You will still pay a lot in many cases enough to bankrupt you, but less than you would pay if you had no insurance at all. Stop going to those quacks and you won't need insurance because you won't get as sick. They poison you every time you go, or direct you how to poison yourself with their OTC drugs.

Their goal is "universal health care" which sounds nice, but really it just makes the racket MANDATORY. Funneling tax money into the massively over-priced health-care system, while the massively over-priced health-care system makes us sick, requiring more massively over-priced health care, paid for with tax money.

Meanwhile, if we see the bill, we just say "good thing I had insurance" or "good thing it's paid by the government" instead of saying "why is this service massively over-priced??????"

Yes! You're the first person I've heard say this, as I do.

I also argue another downside to this. Already, people will not use services that are not "covered by insurance." They bitch and moan that insurance stopped paying for, for instance, PT after surgery, but will not pay for a few more sessions out of pocket, choosing to live with 80% of their function restored instead. They will not see a nutritionist, or a homeopath, or a rolfer or masseuse or acupuncturist. So, insurance is not only protecttion fees against even higher costs, but also a pipeline to western medical care, which does little more than make us even sicker.

I do not use those services at all, unless something is terribly wrong, and nothing else has worked. Currently, I use only homeopathy and rolfing for my medical needs. I am 70 years old, in nearly perfect health, on ZERO pharmaceuticals. I don't even take anything over the counter, I hardly ever go to drug stores. No headaches, no indigestion, no vertigo, no bloating, No pain or stiffness. No difficulties breathing, sleeping, walking or exercising. It's possible!

To enjoy this level of health into old age, the best thing one can do is to STAY AWAY FROM WESTERN MEDICAL DOCTORS to the extent that this is possible. Of course, I grow a lot of my own food, get outside for sunshine and fresh air, avoid alcohol, and do a whole lot of other things that help me stay healthy, but all these things are very easy to do.

And never discussed in a doctor's office.

No headaches, no indigestion, no vertigo, no bloating, No pain or stiffness. No difficulties breathing, sleeping, walking or exercising. It's possible!

This is so great to hear. When I'm 70 I want this for me too! It's possible, without the help of "modern medicine" and men in white lab coats.

And never discussed in a doctor's office.

Good call.

People aren't buying insurance because of societal pressure, people are buying it because it's hard to afford emergency massive payments. The problem here isn't insurance as a concept, the problem is that insurance shouldn't be a for-profit business.

it's hard to afford emergency massive payments.

It's a cycle, the reason emergency costs are so high is because they over-charge insurance companies. Just tell them you don't have insurance and the cost goes down 50 - 80%. If insurance payments were put into a health savings account and any visit to the clinic or hospital was discounted, medical bill hardship would be a thing of the past. Also if medical equipment and knowledge wasn't "gatekept" and available to the public, we wouldn't need to rely on clinics and hospitals nearly as much, only for actual emergencies!

The problem here isn't insurance as a concept

Insurance used to be only for large corporations or the extremely wealthy. Now, even the poorest among us are expected to have some sort of insurance. Insurance as a concept wasn't intended for every citizen, but now it's nearly mandated.

Insurance works best when everyone is paying into the big pool of money. The more healthy people paying in, the more that's available for the people who need it.. so I absolutely agree that the poorest amongst us should have insurance because honestly I think they'll get more benefit than those that can afford proper rest, nutrition, preventative measures, etc.

I honestly don't know enough about the medical industry to know how much knowledge and equipment is gatekept versus the need of expertise and other emergency equipment. I imagine it's a case of 'its fine if everything is going well, but if things go badly you'll want the experts and facilities'. I sincerely don't know how much is profit-driven versus how much is better for community health, that's why I think the profit motives are the bigger problem than the concept of insurance.

Louis Rossmann made a good point that insurance was integral in the age of exploration by enabling the massive investments needed to put the fleets together that explored the planet back in the day to be hedged. If the ships didn't come back, the insurance paid. The problem now is that insurance isn't paying out.

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It’s insane how many are mocking a wife and kids loosing a husband and father. Quite gross actually.

As they say "eat the rich". It's disgusting.