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RE: What Do You Need To Get Lucky?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

You are right as always. Luck comes to those who hustle. I am reminded of the phrase, "proper Preparation prevents poor performance", and "when opportunity meets preparation, success is inevitable"

It's the right notion. There is nothing that beats hustling when it comes to getting lucky.

The thing is while we hustle our way to make wealth, we may not see the benefits. The only time we benefit is when we are well positioned to take an opportunity when one arrives.

For instance, someone who is consistently hustling, and setting aside funds, or hodling as in cryptocurrency, will be able to take a chance when an opportunity comes to invest in something or buy a land like your illustration.

What most people do not understand is they lose out of an opportunity every time because they weren't ready. If an opportunity shows up, and one has been making sure the resources are put in place, it will be easy for him to jump on it.


Well, you're spot on. I used to believe that sometimes people who hustle might make a lot of mistakes, but then these mistakes doesn't take away the fact that they're setting themselves up to do better. Sometimes luck is that element of reward for the grindings we have previously been involved in without knowing that it might eventually pay off one day. This is my notion of crypto in general.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Most definitely, you are correct. And I am thinking the same thing too.