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RE: Practice. Fail. Learn. Repeat.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I hope that many people will read this post before falling victim to one of the many false promises of overnight riches that we find so abundantly online.

This is an excellent post! It is well written and drives the message home...loud and clear. There is only one TRUE way to success, and that is by taking action and doing the work. And failure is part of the route on your way to success. Accept it, make peace with it, and then keep on keeping on!

We tend to become obsessed with failure (or rather the fear of failing). We should rather look past (beyond) failure and focus on success. As you explain it so well in this post, failure is just part of the journey through practicing and learning.

There is a saying that I love. It says: "I never lose. I win or I learn". I guess in the context of this post you can also say; "I never fail. I achieve success or I learn."

FAILURE is never final until you decide to quit. And through PRACTICING you will LEARN to turn all those failures into success by REPEATING all the positive results you achieve and eliminating the mistakes you have made.

Thank you for sharing this great post with us!


Thank you for coming here! It's definitely important to understand it before you give up. Most of the people here already know it because their experiences have proved it. And with our actions - we're setting our own examples!

Thank you once again for your thoughtful comment! Have a great day/night ahead!

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