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RE: Not Not Financial Advice

in LeoFinance3 years ago

To speak for myself on this subject, I've always thrown that "disclaimer" out there on my TA-related posts because I genuinely don't intend to put it out as advice, because I don't see myself, or label myself for others, as a "professional" or even "successful" trader, and I feel that it's a moderately valuable piece of info to consider, from the reader's perspective.

While I generally agree that, as adults, we shouldn't try to push to maintain constant hand-holding with our metaphorical mother (or maybe sucking on her metaphorical "tit" is more appropriate), I'm aware that we all fall within a spectrum of innate intelligence and trust (in others), that puts a large number of people at risk of being relegated to the position of cannon fodder or, arguably worse, pawns in a chaotic game of political/ financial chess.

In other words, I don't want to hold anyone's hand, but I also want to shield the weak from getting themselves slaughtered. The way I see it, to point out that one is responsible for their own decisions can be a valuable reminder, perhaps not to most people, but certainly to a small percentage who happen to be in a relatively unstable state of mind - the type who might just gamble all their life-savings on that new, shiny ponzi-scheme that their drunk friend just pitched to them, in between streams of vomit.

Furthermore, to make a note to the reader that, even after being in this business of chart reading and stock trading long enough to sound competent when sharing one's opinions on matters relating to TA, one can still lack the confidence to give out stock trading advice, is an equally valuable lesson to the feeble minded, or those who are down, but not out, but down enough to not be thinking clearly.

As much as I'm down to be king of the fucking mountain of humanity, when it comes to my pick of young, healthy women to mount, in this evolutionary game of getting our salty seed out there, I still have enough conscience remaining within me to care, to some very small, barely noticeable degree, about those who're less fortunate than my big-dong-swinging, low-ball-hanging self.