Bitcoin Cash-based microblogging

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Captura de pantalla 20210204 a las 6.44.12 p. m..png

Source: Screenshot of the application


I have been testing for a week a microblogging application called, very similar to Twitter, whose initial appeal is that it provides tips in BCH for you to distribute among users, being able to keep a portion without being dominated by greed before the temptation to take a substantial slice. The interface is simple, I would say minimalist, functional, and intuitive with few options, perhaps because it is still in the alpha version.

Captura de pantalla 20210204 a las 7.49.39 p. m..png

Source: Screenshot of the application

In addition, tip transactions are fast within the Bitcoin Cash network and go directly to the wallet that the user decides or has created. In this way, one sees the amount of the account grow by virtue of proper management by voting for the content that you like. At that moment, good judgment is put to the test when assigning both the value of the vote and the way in which the available tip will be distributed.

Captura de pantalla 20210204 a las 7.49.10 p. m..png

Source: Screenshot of the application

Wherever a good flow of crypto money flows, there will be more than one willing to dive with the intention of obtaining the maximum possible, and more when you need them if you are in difficult circumstances such as those who live in countries in serious crisis.

I've seen a lot of noisy people here who participate in other social networks just like me. They are very successful and they have even created chambers (communities) that indicate where they publish regularly. In fact, has become a platform for sharing content links to reach other audiences. For example, there are #Leofinance and #Hive, which are very active and collaborative with each other, something I enjoy.

Personally, before participating in Hive, the fork of Steen, I was not very inclined to participate in social networks. This does not mean that I did not open accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp from the beginning, but I was never very active in these when I saw threats against privacy arise. Now, we see the power of censorship and manipulation wielded by the owners of these tech giants.

Captura de pantalla 20210204 a las 6.04.00 p. m..png

Source: Screenshot of the application

It is also very easy to register for the first time, without many easy rules to remember and follow. However, it is important to note that not by using cryptocurrency, BCH, a fork of BTC in 2017, means that it is a decentralized application on a blockchain. I'm not really sure what I'm saying, although if so, it is also very likely that I could migrate to it in the future depending on the evolution and success. I wonder, how long will the people behind the project be able to keep the tip tap? If it manages to massify, they will need a larger pool of tips and more efficient bots. I deduce that the ultimate goal of the sponsors of the application is to demonstrate that this alternative to the bitcoin that was born from it, can be used in a mass exchange adoption of any product in the real world.

So far my experience has been rewarding to see the stream of tips appear in the red bell during the 8 days and deposited in my wallet. We may soon see #Hive a new Layer 2 microblogging Dapp that will introduce content creators, developers, and investors to our platform.

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Captura de pantalla 20210204 a las 6.45.17 p. m..png

Source: Screenshot of the BLOCKCHAIR / Bitch-Cash site for Jnavedan



Post by @janaveda

The cover image by Kira Hoffmann on Pixabay

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am there since its inception. So far, I am enjoying it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats, my friend!!! One question, when it started?

December 24th I believe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow! It is an interesting date. Gift!!!