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RE: I stepped on my ego and completely rebuilt my portfolio

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Excellent post for me that I am a perfect newbie in the possession of a portfolio of cryptocurrencies. Trading seems stressful to me on the way to where I am, and age does not help me to bet on long-term investments. However, I would like to have a little fun in a virtual monopoly game with real effects.

However, I do not know if it is by intuition or by saturation of new information I am beginning to like Polkadot's project. Beyond the enormous capitalization that has been acquiring the main tab, and that will result in great profits for those who have them in their portfolios in the medium term. What attracts me is the purpose behind the technology that they develop towards interoperability between various blockchains. I think that a successful step in the evolution of web3.0. Although, to be frank, I do not see clearly if it will be aligned with the development of a parallel infrastructure that supersedes the current one.

Regarding DEFI, it sounds a lot lately. We'll see how it behaves. For now, the task is to learn as much about it as possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I wouldn't trade this market tbh. I feel like investing is much more profitable. Regarding Polkadot I don't know much about it, but I do know it's creating waves on the market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta