Bitcoin and Long Journey

in LeoFinance4 years ago

However, it is still far from the record it set in 2017, after Bitcoin reached $ 20 thousand, but the new rise today came after 7 months of trading the digital currency for less than $ 5,000.

Bitcoin is a fully electronic financial payment system that is compared to the rest of the global currencies, but it does not have a regular existence,

"The continuing and escalating global political, economic and social turmoil indicates that there will be a new rise in prices before the end of the year," Nigel Green, chief executive of the financial advisory firm, Diver Group, told the newspaper.

Green added: "It is expected that Bitcoin will maintain its value or even grow in value when other assets such as gold decline, and this is what enables investors to reduce the risk of losses."

He continued: "Investors will increase trading in decentralized, non-sovereign and secure digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, to help protect them from potential losses in traditional markets."

Research produced by the University of Cambridge estimates that, in 2017, there were between 2.9 and 5.8 million people using Bitcoin in digital wallets.

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