$4M Stolen From Trust Wallet By Just Taking Picture of The Wallet!

in LeoFinancelast year

I was as shocked as you are when I first read that headline yesterday!

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I was scrolling mindlessly through Twitter yesterday as I always do and bumped into a tweet that I am still thinking of right now.

It says that $4M was stolen from a Trust Wallet just by taking a photo of the wallet in Italy.

This is the tweet below so that you can check it out yourself.


In the days leading to this, the scammer(s) and the one scammed(webaverse) had lots of chats of business partnerships.

The scammers actually created a relationship with the Webaverse team to the extent of them agreeing to meet and even submit their KYC documents to the supposed scammers!

This was really a sophisticated scam since it involved a big sum of money, so the scammers had to create that human interaction of even meeting IRL!

what really happened?

I have failed to know how exactly the $4M funds were transferred from Webaverse's newly created wallet to the scammers' wallet by just taking a photo!

One of my assumptions as I tweeted yesterday was that

Could it be that the new Trust Wallet didn't set a password yet? If yes and if the phone was held by the scammer on his side of the table then he navigated to the Wallet's Settings - Show Secret Phrase and it was revealed to him since no password was set on the wallet!

I say this because in the tweeted document, nothing was mentioned about setting up a password for the new wallet and again the wallet was created quickly!

In the comments, some people suggested that maybe the webaverse team might have been attacked through the wifi of the hotel.

You can check out the full story of this sophisticated scam on this Google doc to get a clear picture of how this happened.

Take time and read the doc and tweet replies and comment here on what you think exactly happened.

It has to be noted that the webaverse team is still pursuing all possible ways of recovering the funds and also arresting the culprits!

Anyway, my small advice is to always set passwords to your wallets and also do not always use public wife, always carry your own Mifi or internet connectivity device where you go!

Jarau Moses

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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