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RE: HIVE PROGRESS - The Busy Bees 2024🐝🐝🐝 Progress Report Week 12

in LeoFinance β€’ 2 months ago

Well done on 5000HP @zakludick! What are your thoughts on HIVE following a bitcoin uptrend after the bitcoin halving? Is there an opportunity to sell HIVE/HP high, and then buy low again?

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I've been doing it the other way - buying HIVE when it dips and creating a small reserve of liquid HIVE. As well as using it for SBI's and HPUD, I've mostly been buying HBD when the price of HIVE goes up, because it creates amazing value for money.

The last lot, I used HIVE bought at 30 cents (i.e. 3 to buy 1 HBD) but bought HBD when the price had risen to 40 cents (about 2.5 to buy 1 HBD). The HBD then goes into savings and spits out interest at 20% APY, which is currently making me about 28 HBD per month. It's a serious win-win πŸ˜€

Ah yes, I see you have a proper HBD savings nest egg... I'm working on that too, about half of yours so far...

I have more or less the same idea, except I would have to power down my HP into liquid HIVE (starting to do this) and then try to sell into HBD when HIVE is higher than it's been on average over the last year... so it's hard to guess what that good price would be, starting from simply being higher than average over the last year (over $0.5/HIVE?) to the predictions of where it could go in the next few months... like $1/HIVE maybe?...

Trying to weigh up the negative emotions of selling at 0.5 only for it to go up further, with the stress of realizing a more ambitious target is never even reached and then settling on the way down...

Then put the HBD into savings at 20%...

Then an even harder decision is whether to buy back into HIVE/HP when the price drops again one day... and trying to guess how low it will ever go again?

lol, yeah, trying to guess what prices will be is a great recipe for insanity 😁 I just set my rewards ratio to 50/50, and put a bit of liquid HIVE into HBD each week. I was lucky enough to have a bit of spare cash to be able to buy a pool of liquid HIVE (and then the car decided to become expensive, but that's another story...) and don't worry too much about the current price, because the 20% interest will make up for any poor price points in the long run.

Yeah, I have seen a bit of grumbling on the 20% interest on HBD savings. It is a very generous reward for what is quite a safe investment, and I think it takes quite a lot to keep HBD pegged to the dollar and increasing at 20%!

Theoretically a more volatile investment like HIVE should pay off more in the long run because it is risky, but it has yet to be seen if the average increase in the HIVE price will be better than 20% in the long run.

We should be tempted more towards staking HP, because that's when our vote starts to count and we give back to the community. However, even when I curate a lot, the rewards would struggle to reach about 10% of my HP per year... and so I would have to hope that the HIVE/HP increase over time can make up the difference - I guess we haven't seen that yet, but maybe we're just about to?

That's the problem - if I can get 20% from HBD savings, that's better than most risky investments in the real world... so I could easily settle for that and never become a powerful curator giving back to the community by staking HP...

I am guessing that the uptrend of Hive is not quite over!

There is always opportunity to sell high and buy low. You just need to have threshold set up and act on it.

Of course, its best if you have the time and the capital to sit and wait.