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RE: First weekly report

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I hope that it answers your question!

It clearly does not. It is true but saying it was Monday would earn the same score on both aspects.

How many LEN would an average person get per year with 1 miner?

Noone can tell you @jfang003 . If noone staked/unstaked any LENM throughout the period, each LENM would get 8.5 LEN on average per year (52560 LEN produced divided by 6200 existing LENM). In practice, the number lowers as more LENM are staked (likely).

As more LENM is staked, you get less LEN but it goes up in value, so let's simplify stuff and say that over the year 1 LEN produces value of (roughly/at least/comparable to) whatever 8.5 LEN is worth today (pls do not ask me how much HIVE that is, ask the market).


Actually, you were pretty close... The more exact number is around 9.2 LEN tokens per year with 1 staked LENM... At the moment, if nobody else would stake any...

Thanks for your interesting explanation :) Appreciate it!

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