Brawl Report #42- 3 star Brawls are way too tough

in LeoFinance7 months ago

Splinterland Brawls are a guild event where you can earn merits and SPS. This post serves as a way for me to review how my fights went and as a reminder to sign up for the next brawl. I have missed brawls in the past and it hurts when Gladius cards can now be used in ranked battles using the soulbound summoners. It's been the toughest brawl so far as I lost most of my fights as I fight in the gold foil fights.

Brawl Result

I chose the gold foil modern brawl and got 1 win and 4 losses. My rewards for the brawl were 2,889 merits and 32.294 SPS in the 2 star category. My guild ranked 5th place out of the 10 guilds there. I choose to take the gold foil modern brawl because my guild usually doesn't fill all their spots and I prefer to give my other guild members a chance at the brawls. We did quite well even if my own results were not that great.

Brawl fights

There were 4 fights that I lost and 1 that I won due to surrender. So I included an idea of what the match was below along with a few thoughts about it.

You can find the first match here. I lost this match because I didn't have many flying monsters. I didn't notice that my dragon summoner was capped at level 2 so my Chaos Dragon didn't have the blast ability.

You can find the second match here. I lost this match and Possibilus is just too powerful. I couldn't do much against my opponent with all the damage that my opponent had and Coastal Sentry in the second spot.

You can find the third match here. I lost this match and there isn't much I can do in those wands out matches because my choices in those magic battles are limited.

You can find the fourth match here. I lost this match and I couldn't do much against the level difference. I wasn't expecting to face the other summoner and I missed quite a few attacks. My opponent's combination of taunt and dodge made it quite hard.


I think doing 5 fights for 2,889 merits and 32.294 SPS is a pretty good reward for the effort. I am disappointed with my fights because the only win that I got was from a surrender. The results of my guild are worse than last time but it could be worse. I guess 3 star brawls are just way too tough and the biggest handicap is my gold foil card levels. Brawls are a great way of earning SPS and merit for the number of battles you participate in. So I think it is worthwhile for people to participate in these brawls. My current brawls are in the three star category.

Are you taking part in Guild Brawls?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You lost most of the fights because your level of cards are up to that of yours. For example, the first fight, was typical. The opponent had more ruleset cards.

Yea. It's tough but I am building up my normal foil cards because they are more expensive. I still get whatever my guild gets so I did contribute a bit in the small wins that I can get.

That's true, participating in Guild is really underrated. I should have started early.

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