My feedback on the new LeoFinance UI

in LeoFinancelast year

The new LeoFinance UI has been out for a few days now and I have been able to use it for the past few days at night. So I thought I would include some thoughts and things that I think the new UI is missing. It looks much nicer compared to the previous UI but I am probably still in the camp preferring the old UI due to all the features missing. I know there will be issues as they fix things but I thought I would include a few things that I have seen.


There are a few problems that I have encountered

3speak videos

The videos are not embedded properly for 3speak. Above is the Crypto Maniacs podcast that I usually watch but I have to go to a different site to watch the video. Considering how often people on Hive use 3speak, I think this needs to be fixed. Youtube videos do not have any issues being embedded though.

Occasional Issues when loading pages

The site has been down a few times and occasionally, I will run into errors. I decided to screenshot this error last night that I got

Links generated are wrong.

When you write a post using the new UI, it appends the following at the end of the post. One thing to note is that this link will generate the post link but as a user, you can't vote or comment on the post. To fix this, you need to remove the @ symbol in the link. If you do so, the comments and everything else will work fine.


In the previous UI, there was a page dedicated to your own comments/replies. This does not exist in LeoFinance and I have found it harder to respond to people's comments as I have to go to PeakD to view my replies.

Editing posts/comments

One thing that I don't like about the current interface is that there is no way to edit your own comments or posts. I have to go to a different front-end like PeakD to edit my posts. We all make mistakes from time to time and I think having an edit button would be great to have without having to push people off to a different site.

Latest Long-form posts issues

I use the latest page to view posts and I have two issues with it. The first issue that I have found is that there are a lot fewer posts in my feed compared to the previous UI. It looks like there are a lot of posts that have the LEO tag but it's not included in the feed. The second issue is that it's not completely chronologically listed. When it flips around in timing, I find it hard to know where exactly I last left off and I prefer the old UI where everything was chronologically ordered. If you want to insert some promoted posts in the middle, maybe make them stand out so we know it's not part of the order.


I would also like a way to view people's blogs but there is no way to do so right now from a person's profile. Now if I want to know if someone has a post, I have no choice but to go to a different front-end.

Tables not showing

The first picture is something from LeoFinance and the second picture is what I pulled from PeakD. As you can see, the tables do not show up properly in the posts, and pictures within these tables also have issues appearing.


The new UI looks nice but I still think there are some issues that they need to solve. If it can solve most of the issues that I mentioned, then I think the new UI will be way better in terms of experience compared to the previous UI. But as it is right now, I have to go to a different front end for various different things and I don't think that is ideal. So I am in the camp right now that the old UI is better but this is subject to change as the team pushes out changes to improve things.

Is there anything that I missed that you have seen?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I have been encountering a similar issue with the new UI, good that you created a post about it. Another thing I have been experiencing is, the new UI doesn't load my current post, it takes about 24 hours for me to load and by that time I already have another current post which I can't view from my profile.

If you pull the link from PeakD, you can visit the page directly. The page should be up for you to view and there aren't any issues when I want to revisit the post. It just requires some changes to the URL. Change it to


Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I’m having issues loading
But also can’t power up
Or post photos in my threads.

Yea. There some issue for me commenting right now on long form posts. I haven't tried power-up but will try so in a few days for LPUD. I think you can post photos in something like PeakD then copy the link over to threads.

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