My Hive Goals for 2023 Week #21

in LeoFinancelast year

I have decided to start posting a weekly update on my progress toward my 2023 goals here on Hive. It helps me stay on track and I can realize if I am behind on a goal at any point in time. I am still ahead or on track for all my goals. My HBD goal is pretty much set and I have a lot more leeway in LEO due to my April LPUD and in May, I did the easy 200. HP is the one that I am worried the most about but I am slightly ahead there. If things keep up as I am right now, then the HP goal shouldn't be an issue.


Above are statistics that I have gotten from HiveStats. This week was about the same as the previous week.


I got about more than last week with 67 HP earned throughout the week. I am checking this through the difference between the two end points on the graph on Hivestats. The number is slightly higher than last week and my author rewards are down from last week. I am not sure how these points are different but it's what I got from Hivestats. My curation return is slightly higher and I am still holding in above 2 Hive a day. Overall, I think it was a pretty good week overall and it was better than last week. My goal for curation is to just make sure that my voting power is never full. I was able to use up most of my voting power without any issues.


I have earned 18 HBD last week. I spent the HBD that I earned the previous 2 weeks on getting Splinterland cards and I will be spending this on more cards when I get next week's as well. I am buying every 2 weeks. I also collected 33 HBD as interest.

LEO Power

I earned 86 LEO last week and this is less than last week. Not much to say here but I think doing threads has increased my LEO earnings and it is starting to pay off. I think it was a pretty good week and things are working out quite well so far. The LEO payouts seem to doing great ever since started the zealy campaign.



It's been a week since my last update and I like my progress so far. My HBD goal is still the furthest ahead and LEO is far ahead of where I need at this point in time. The only goal that I am a little bit worried about is HP but I think this goal should be fine if I am consistent. As I am right now, I am above 53 and there are still a few days in the month. It's still cutting it a little bit close though. My HBD is pretty much set if I collect my interest so I plan to use that HBD elsewhere. I want to be more competitive in Splinterland so my extra HBD is going towards that right now.

Do you have any goals for 2023? What is the progress towards your own goals?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


What card have you been buying the CL cards? Are you taking part in burning DEC for the Splinterlands 5 years anniversary?

I bought some Riftwatcher cards last week. It were some legendary cards that I did not have in my collection.

I haven't decided on the burning of DEC yet.


Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I am undecided as well on burning DEC, I don't have much anyway