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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

In the most recent quarterly proposal, the group decided to decline the payouts to build a stronger base for LBI. So right now it will not be giving dividends but I think there should be another proposal in a month or two to ask whether or not to continue postponing.

In general building a base for LBI is better in my opinion because after a 9 months or 1 year, you will be earning more since the starting point for compounding is higher.

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I couldn't agree more and was happy when they made that decision. Delayed gratification worked in this case.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes I plan on voting to postpone on the next proposal too but who knows what will happen since the last one was fairly close.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree. Building a strong foundation is paramount. All will reap better future benefits by way of higher dividends by following this course.

I plan to vote accordingly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta