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RE: CIB: Crypto I Bought #10 - Algorand, Helium, Polycub, Waves, Staking Polycub, pHIVE-Polycub, Listnerds, CTP

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The airdrop has ended so I believe there will be less selling pressure on PolyCUB. What I am paying attention to is the next emission halving for PolyCUB. It's going to affect the APR on all of the farms.

As for the 30 day early harvest penalty, has this been implemented? I saw a few posts saying that the governance vote said it would change but people weren't seeing it lose the early harvest penalty.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Looks to me that the early harvest penalty change has not been implemented.
I allocated a certain amount of capital to this process - did the last part today staking more pHIVE-PolyCUB.
Now to watch the harvest and unstaking action. Already note the WETH-WBTC APR is below 10%