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RE: WAX Block Chain Overview

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yea there is just way too many things there. I can only share what I know and personally I think Alien worlds is a way to fund my endeavors in WAX. The main way I want to do is generate a passive income stream using RPlanet so I need to stake more WAX to get resoruces. But its taking more time so I might dumb it down and start pulling more WAX off selling some NFTs.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Do you think that RPlanet is safe enough? As I can see, when I "stake" card there, my card "vanish" from my inventory and it looks that I have actually SENT my card to RPlanet... I know that I can get it back when I click on unstake, but if a website exit-scam (just theory) is there a way to get cards back?

For me, it looks that "staking" ability isn't a native thing, but rather a send-receive thing...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea we run into that risk which is why most of my value is basically in Kolobok prizes which has almost no value other than staking (or a few koloboks). Everything I got is technically free since it only required time. I was planning on removing my epic Alien Worlds card once my aether generation is high enough though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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