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RE: Leo Talk 4/20/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

No if you made 100 comments a day, I think you got get maybe closer to 0.3 or 0.4 LEO form amr008's project (each 10000 is worth a 100% upvote). Then if you add in votes from comments, you might be able to add in a few more LEO. So I think realistically about 4 LEO a day is good. I think @taskmaster4450 and @taskmaster4450le makes some good posts that doesn't require a ton of in-depth knowledge. So I suggest you branch out from there and other ones I mention.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for the suggestion, but I would rather focus first on specific features on LeoFinance, then gradually cover more areas as I get comfortable with that community. 😀