
A mythical general!
According to the controversial Korean history book Hwandan Gogi, compiled by Uncho Gye Yeon-su in 1911, and later published in 1979, Chi You was also an ancestor of the Koreans.[13] He is listed there as the 14th (out of 18) head of the State of Shinshi (or 'Baedal'), with the Korean form of his name, Jaoji Hwanung of Baedal. In this account, rather than being killed or defeated in the Battle of Zhuolu, Chi You is victorious and captures the Chinese Emperor Hwang Di alive, rendering him subject to Shinshi. A recently published Korean novel, entitled "Chi You King of Heaven" (Chinese: 蚩尤天皇; Korean: 치우천왕기), also claims that Chi You was an ancestral leader of Koreans in the so-called "old country" (Joo Shin, 주신 in Korean), and that he defeated the Yellow Emperor at the Battle of Zhuolu (탁록, Takrok in Korean).

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