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RE: The Layout For The Globalization Of Real Estate

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I wouldn't mind cheaper real estate but I think the rest of the world will probably get it first compared to California. I wouldn't be surprised if they started adding taxes for each piece of a building added (hinting towards a mileage tax that I heard started being implemented in San Diego).

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They already add taxes in California for every piece added (if it is an addition to the house)...though if you're talking about anything, like even a light fixture...well...they already tax you via the sales tax...California will tax people to breathe if they can figure it out...oh yeah, the carbon tax...never mind.

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Yea the taxes are crazy in California and it seems to be the testing ground before they try to spread it to the rest of the country.

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Personally I don't think so - each state does have autonomy and states like North Dakota for example with their own central bank and lack of state debt are going to have a lot of benefits over states like California where average quality of life is decreasing - while cost of living and taxes are increasing... Whereas the inverse is true in North Dakota

California and a few of the blue states have been the testing ground for certain policies. After they get it working there, the politicians try to expand it over to other states and I don't really think its a good thing. I don't know too much about states outside of California but I tend to see things move over in the articles I read.

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