
The addition of a purchase HIVE for fiat will be great. I hope it comes soon and doesn't carry with it the restrictions I have to deal with here in NY when it comes to purchasing crypto. (I can't move out of this damn state soon enough).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Unfortunately task has said it would be opened to EURO first and I don't know how long it would take to get it working for the US.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

BT is only going to have EURO to start and that might not be here until the end of the year.

Plus none of this is dealing with fiat. The Hive to BSC or reverse is crypto-to-crypto. I think that is where most people are going to be operating soon. Essentially this is something similar to what BT does. Plus, let us not forget LeoBridge. Will they write hive into that app.

And HSC.

A lot of options being developed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah that wouldn't be including the US anytime soon since it would probably end up being hit hard by regulations. I don't know but is HIVE a ERC token, BSC token or both? I haven't bothered adding in HIVE from outside the system so I am drawing a blank there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta