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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yea he seems adamant on making Occulus the gateway to the VR realm and he has a fairly good lead. How much of the gateway will you think Facebook will control?

With my current understanding, I think he will control the gateway for about 50% if everything proceeds as is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It could be a lot more than 50% if you think about it. The headsets could give him a huge lead especially since he is subsidizing the price to get it in more hands. We will have to see what the others in the headset (or whatever is developed) market do to keep pace.

Plus with Horizon, he can control the platform. This adds a double-whammy since he will have both the gateway and the platform. I doubt he will AOL it so that you can only use Horizon but if that takes off like Facebook PLUS he has the headset market, that could be huge.

It is something that people have to think seriously about. This stuff is real and is happening now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta